How to Remove Asbestos in Your NJ Home? Guide to Safe Handling and Abatement

Asbestos in Your NJ Home? Here’s Your Guide to Safe Handling and Removal

Many building materials that may have seemed safe at the time have been used throughout the years, only to be discovered later that they were less safe than initially thought. One such material is asbestos.

Asbestos is a natural mineral fiber derived from rocks and soil. Although its fibers are incredibly small, a microscope can reveal a composition of long fibrous crystals. Previously, asbestos was used to strengthen building materials. It also improved heat insulation and fire resistance, leading to its widespread use for decades.

Unfortunately, it was later found that asbestos can have horrible health effects on those exposed to it. When asbestos fibers are inhaled or ingested, they can become stuck in the body. These fibers then cause inflammation and scarring, which can lead to conditions like lung cancer and mesothelioma.

These harmful effects are why professionals must safely handle and remove asbestos in New Jersey homes. On the bright side, that is exactly where Brick Asbestos and Demolition can help.

Asbestos in New Jersey Homes and Buildings

While New Jersey is a beautiful state to call home, asbestos is relatively prevalent in many homes built across the state before 1978 (Mesothelioma Cancer Center). It was most commonly used in thermal insulation around boilers and pipes but can be found in numerous other materials used previously, including:

  • Insulation
  • Floor tiles
  • Textured ceilings
  • Caulking or glazing
  • Roofing materials
  • Plaster
  • Fiber cement siding
  • Glues
  • And more
where is asbestos found

Identifying Asbestos

Wondering whether you may have asbestos in your home? While it would be ideal to determine whether an asbestos material was used visually, this can prove to be difficult. The only real way to know whether asbestos material is present is to have it tested.

There are home test kit options that allow you to sample the material and send it to a lab. However, these can be dangerous, as disturbing the material with incorrect testing methods could cause fibers to be released into the air.

While ideally, all asbestos materials should be removed from homes, some may not pose any risk when undisturbed. If a protective cover is torn or the material is shifted, it can quickly become dangerous. This is why professional testing is more often recommended when it comes to asbestos.

Testing can be done in a couple of different ways. In the first method, a sample of the suspected asbestos material can be taken and checked under a microscope for visible fibers. If you are looking for thorough and accurate asbestos testing, we can help.

How to Handle Asbestos Safely

warning asbestos removal keep out

If you are wondering how to handle asbestos, it can depend on its current state. As mentioned above, undisturbed asbestos may not pose an immediate threat. This is where you should leave it alone. This means that you shouldn’t touch or move it, especially by yourself. Since disturbing asbestos can cause fibers to be released into the air, it is critical to handle and remove it safely.

In virtually all cases, handling asbestos yourself is not recommended. There are plenty of DIY tutorials online, but don’t attempt these, as one wrong move or tactic can make asbestos significantly more dangerous. Instead, you should contact professionals to have the asbestos material regularly inspected and monitored.

On the other hand, if asbestos is disturbed or damaged, it must be removed. Of course, homeowners should not try to remove it themselves. Instead, contact asbestos removal professionals like us here at Brick Asbestos and Demolition. Contacting a removal professional is a critical part of the process, as a NJ state license is required for asbestos removal.

Why Choose Professional Asbestos Abatement

professional asbestos abatement and demolition

While it can be tempting to deal with asbestos on your own to save money, it is a potential hazard. When it isn’t handled or removed properly, asbestos can easily become a danger for those living in the home. It can expose residents to health-hazardous fibers and contaminate the surfaces and air of the home. Moreover, it can lead to legal issues if health concerns arise from someone in the home or from a tenant in the case of a landlord.

Hiring a professional means the job gets done safely the first time around. Brick Asbestos and Demolition has 38 years of experience safely and effectively removing asbestos from homes to keep you and your family safe. Moreover, we follow New Jersey regulations closely to ensure every removal is in compliance with the necessary laws and guidelines.

Asbestos Regulations in New Jersey

New Jersey is very strict about handling and removing asbestos, as it is a significant hazard when not done appropriately. This includes each removal contractor having an asbestos contractor’s license, supervisors and workers having asbestos permits, and the use of proper safety equipment (OSHA).

The NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD) issues all licenses and permits, while the NJ Department of Health (DOH) oversees training. Additionally, any firm that performs clearance monitoring must be licensed as an Asbestos Safety Control Monitoring (ASCM) firm. 

Learn more about asbestos regulations and standards on the New Jersey Department of Health website.


Remember that asbestos is not a material to play around with or handle without significant protection. In fact, it should only be handled or removed by professionals like Brick Asbestos and Demolition. We are licensed and certified in New Jersey, New York City, New York State, and Pennsylvania to ensure we can safely help as many families as possible remove hazardous asbestos.

If you suspect asbestos in your home, it’s vital to seek professional consultation as soon as possible. Contact us today at (800) 773-6220 if you need assistance keeping your family or tenets safe from asbestos.

Avatar of Eric Plackis

Eric Plackis

Eric Plackis is the owner of Brick Asbestos & Demolition, a leading provider of asbestos abatement and demolition services in New Jersey. With years of experience in the industry, Eric has built a reputation for providing safe, efficient, and cost-effective solutions for residential and commercial clients. His commitment to environmental responsibility and worker safety has made Brick Asbestos & Demolition a trusted partner for projects of all sizes.